Version 7.7

Bug Fixes

- Various core fixes

- Various crash fixes

- Roccat Hub fixes

- Roccat Flick connectivity fixes in Snow Leopard

- Further SSL issue fixes


- Improvements to FusedBar Aware local logic

Version 7.6

Bug Fixes

- Various crash fixes

- Fixed some SSL certificate warning errors

- FusedBar Aware connection fixes

- Fixed some website display issues in Snow Leopard

- Video play back fixes


- Big performance improvements

- Roccat Flick connection improvements on older Macs

Version 7.5

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug which allowed you to open an only tab in a new window, causing various issues.

- Fixed a few Roccat Draw issues

- Fixed an RClouds connection issue


- Big security improvements to Cinnamon Updates

- FusedBar Aware Local Knowledge improvements

Version 7.4

Bug Fixes

- Various FusedBar Aware fixes

- Fixed Roccat crashing in Snow Leopard when closing multiple tabs at the same time

- Fixed an issue where RClouds would display NULL rather than a list of backups for a few users.


- Now when a website has an unresponsive script it won’t crash Roccat, it will now present a message asking if you want to continue executing the script or not.


- Minor UI improvements

Version 7.3

Bug Fixes

- Fixed some French translations

- A few Roccat Flick bug fixes

- Fixed various FusedBar Aware bugs

- Fixed an issue where FusedBar Aware's translate feature sometimes didn’t show any result

- Fixed Messenger on Facebook not working


- Introducing Roccat Hub (Beta), Roccat Hub is a new customisable homepage. Roccat Hub allows you to add your favourite websites all onto a single page, it features a HubBar which allows you to search Google or add a website to the Hub. The Hub data is saved to local storage and works on macOS 10.6 onwards (or 10.5 with Leopard WebKit). You can launch Roccat Hub from the ConnectMenu or by pressing ‘Shift Command H’. On the English build there is also a button to set Roccat Hub as your homepage, this will be made available on other languages once Roccat Hub is out of beta.

- Added many new translate languages to FusedBar Aware


- Big performance improvements especially with page loading and when typing

Version 7.2

Bug Fixes

- Fixed some autofill bugs

- Fixed an issue which could cause crashing for people using Leopard Webkit with Roccat on macOS 10.5

- Fixed the search suggestions setting showing as ‘On’ when it was off.

- Fixed Local Storage clearing on exit in macOS Sierra

- Fixed web inspector and show console menu items not working in Sierra

- Removed a left over debug console log

- Removed unsupported toolbar view options (icon & text and text only)

- Fixed some incorrect French translations

- Fixed an issue where ConfirmClose didn’t active when only one tab remained in some cases.

- Fixed an issue where the window would not show if a legacy system couldn’t understand certain WebKit settings.

- Fixed the On Exit 'Clear Download List’ settings not working on the French version

- Fixed AdRemover not working


- Added ability to define words in FusedBar Aware

- Added more local maths knowledge to FusedBar Aware


- New developer javascript option: window.roccat.alert('title','message'); for developers to create Roccat specific alerts, and alerts with titles.

- Added Firefox 51.0 user agent for Windows and Mac

- Updated Chrome user agent to version 56


- FusedBar Aware responses now have a slightly smaller font size to allow for larger responses.

- URL shortening is now instant, no more waiting for the shortened URL to generate, using the same technologies we use for FusedBar Aware.

- Major stability improvements when using with Leopard Webkit

- Default user agent has been changed to allow greater compatibility with more sites

- Improved FusedBar Aware's local knowledge

- Removed an unneeded behaviour setting


- Now when you enter UnderCover mode the FusedBar text changes to green, this makes it easier to see when you’re in undercover mode.

Version 7.1

Bug Fixes

- Fixed some incorrect data with FusedBar Aware

- Fixed occasional delays in FusedBar Aware responses

- Fixed crashes for some Leopard users

- Fixed an issue causing Roccat to freeze for several seconds for some users.

- Fixed an issue with loading localhost URL’s

- Fixed White UI buttons not displaying on old versions of macOS



- Added more knowledge to existing areas in FusedBar Aware

- Added ability to turn PowerSaver off or on. (PowerSaver requires macOS 10.6 or above)

- Further performance improvements

Version 7.0

Roccat 7.0 is a huge release with tons of improvements:


- Roccat 7 features FusedBar 4 which includes some big new changes:

- You can now perform a 'Find on page' straight from FusedBar.

- You can now type “search amazon for lights” for example, to search amazon for lights, just like you can search with facebook, bing and youtube in FusedBar 3.

- Introducing FusedBar Aware, FusedBar Aware is an intelligence powered by RClouds and built into FusedBar. It uses a mixture of Regex and AI to answer questions and provide information straight to your suggestions. You can see some examples by going to 'FusedBar Aware Examples' in the Help menu.

- Introducing the all new VisiTabs, now when VisiTabs are in the top or bottom position they are almost half the height as before by default, this gives much more room for web content. The tabs are also wider so you can view more of the tab title and this also prevents accidental closer of tabs.

- New PowerSaver feature, now when your battery gets below 20% a new power saving feature will enable, this will will enable some ResourceSaver functionality, reduce some animations, disable PasteBoard suggestions and enable other power saving features. Once you reach above 20% battery the feature will disable again.

- You can now right click a site and choose “Scroll To Top” for a quick way of scrolling to the top of the site.

- The status bar is no more! We’ve replaced it with a status panel which only displays when there is status information.

- Added new 'Purple Highlighter' tool to Roccat Draw

Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where sometimes Roccat would try and load a decimal number as an IP address.

- Fixed a few French translation issues.

- Fixed an issue where some website URL’s didn’t update in FusedBar.

- Fixed the icon not showing in the 'Customize Toolbar...’ menu

- Fixed a glitch where sometimes sites would get a dark background when adding a new window.

- Fixed a VisiTab visual bug which would occur on Snow Leopard when showing the find bar.

- Fixed an issue where VisiTabs on Retina screens would only show half the site.

- Fixed the status text being in English on French and German builds

- Fixed a bug which could cause scrolling to freeze for a few seconds in macOS Sierra

- Fixed issue sometimes windows would not open with a dark tab when ‘Blank Page’ was set as ‘Dark’.


Performance & Developer

- Improved VisiTab Performance

- New user agent format for better site compatibility and locale support


- Improved various icons for a more modern feel



- Updated the VisiTabs keyboard shortcut to an easier to remember one (shift, command, v)

- RClouds 7.0 with support for FusedBar Aware and connectivity improvements

- FusedBar Suggestion no longer adds suggestion text into FusedBar on mouse hover.

- You no longer have to restart Roccat to enable / disable the 'Bold Text' and 'Dark FusedBar’ settings

- Improved the VisiTab radius when using smaller tabs