Roccat 6


Roccat 6

Improved Roccat Draw.

Roccat 6 now groups all colors of the same tool together, making it easier to find what you’re looking for. It also includes some new tools including a pink pen, pink marker and a blue highlighter tool.

roccat draw


PasteBoard Suggestions.

PasteBoard Suggestions offers you intelligent suggestions based on what you have copied. It makes suggestions based on URL’s, text, emails, twitter handles and more. Simply click on it or press command enter to activate the suggestion!



Performance all round.

Roccat 6 is all about performance, it has made leaps and bounds with increasing its performance, reducing CPU and improving ResourceSaver so you can browse faster and for longer than ever!



 A new look for a new Roccat.

The first thing you’ll notice when you get Roccat 6 is the new logo, we’ve refined the logo just like we’ve refined the browser. But it doesn’t stop there we’ve made tons of design changes throughout Roccat.

duplicate tab


Roccat 6 has tons of improvements, download now!