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BETA Pallet betapallet

Runecats thank all of our Beta testers/RBE members for making Runecats Software as bug free as possible, Runecats have dedicated this page to our Betas and RBE members to make access of our BETA software easier.

Apply to be a RBE member (BETA Tester):
BETA login:

Beta Login Link:

Click below to access RBE:Space which will give you access to download links for all of Runecats and other RBE members BETA software. You must login with your BETA login information

Click Here to access RBE:Space

Beta Testers
New! Runecats has setup the RBE system meaning being a BETA tester for Runecats doesn't just involve beta testing for Runecats.  What's RBE?

* Name or Company name:                                                                                                        

* Email Address:

* About you/

Why you should BETA

* Enter this code:

Once Runecats have read your information we will contact you to let you know if you are apporpriate to be a BETA tester, if you are then you will be sent a BETA login.
*NEW* Report bugs here!. PRE:RBE- Login "Click Here"
Only for members which have Pre-Beta rights

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