Runecats Desktop Manager is a small application gives you virtual multiple desktops. Having more than more desktop can help
You sort out you applications in sections and making multi-tasking much easier than ever before.
You can now simply navigate through your desktops using hot keys such as ctrl + 1.
RuneText is a text editor which is nicer in appearance to other text editors. RuneText has all the features you
would expect of a text editor plus more. RuneText is full of features such as, case changing which can change
your text to higher, lower or title case there is also a reverse text option. In RuneText there is special option for writing letters etc and
an option for making websites.
RuneText is better than ever before, it has been refined to a ‘Runecats Standard’
RuneWeb is a basic html editor, Runeweb is great for people who are learning HTML as well as those experiences web developers.
RuneWeb now has build-in coding aids to help people learn the hyper text markup language.
RuneWeb has a built in preview option so you are able to see what you have made.